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RunDisney Princess Weekend Tips

If you’re new to  the RunDisney experience as I was this year I know it can be a bit overwhelming preparing for the Disney Princess Weekend and once you get there you may not have a clue where to start.  Below you will find some of my tips that will hopefully leave you feeling prepared for this magical Princess Weekend at Disney. 

Stay on Disney property:  If you are planning on staying at Disney, book early.  I would recommend staying at a Disney hotel just for less transportation stress the day of the race.  Most Disney hotels will have official race and expo transportation, just find out about it at  the check in desk.  If you do plan on staying in another hotel make sure you plan for enough time to get through traffic the day of the race, I heard that can be CRAZY.


Day at the Theme Parks: If you want to eat out at the parks or Downtown Disney one night you better book in advance.  One night it was so booked up we couldn’t find anywhere to eat except fast service dinning.  Take it easy and have a short day at the park the day before your race.  This will give you enough time to return to your room and rest.  FYI - Make sure you wear comfortable shoes while walking around in the theme parks durning the day, you will be walking a lot and you do not want to get blisters on your feet before the race. 


Don't be Late: Arrive early, there is going to be a wait for everything.  You want to make sure you are on time. 


Proof of Time: Do enter proof of time, you don’t want to be in the last corral.  There are these ladies with balloons that are at the end of the race, they are called the pace keepers.  You don’t want them to pass you or you may not ever get ahead of them again or finish the race.


Fit for a Princess Expo: Plan a day or at least a half day for the expo, this is where you will need to pick up your packet for the race and there will be lots of fitness vendors. You might want to try to get to the expo the first day it is open.  Merchandise can run out, especially the RunDisney Shoes. 


What to Wear: If you are going to wear a costume make sure you try it out before race day. I saw a lot of tutu’s on the side of the road along the race course.  Remember to be prepared for all weather situations.  It started off a little chilly at the start of the race but it did get very hot and muggy towards the end.  You can always layer in some old clothes you don’t’ care about and throw them down along the side of the course when you are ready.  Disney picks them all up and gives them to charity.


Character Pictures: Don’t do it – unless you are a very strong/fast runner and unless you are really ahead in one of the earlier corrals. Waiting in line for a character picture can take 5 – 10 minutes off your time.  I stopped for the first one and I learned my lesson real quick, I was running like a nut to keep up my pace for the rest of the race.  You'll want to bring your small camera or cell phone, there will be photo opportunities before, during, and after the race, so you don’t want to miss out! Some people put their phone in an armband or run belt but I just carry mine the whole race so I can quickly snap a photo whenever I want. There will be plenty of volunteers along the course to take your picture with your personal camera as well as the professional photographers taking pictures that you can purchase online.  I had to video myself running down Main Street towards the Castle.




Training - Add small hills in your training, remember your states terrain may be different than Florida and you will be running on and off the overpasses in-between the parks.


Water/Powerade – There are plenty of aid stations and I would not suggest you to bring your own water bottle to carry.There will be a water/Powerade station every 1.5 miles.


Bathrooms – There are plenty of port-o-potties at the start and along the course.I did not even stop for a bathroom break the whole time but when you get to the fountain in Epcot you will need to go after all those water stations.


Finish Line!  After you cross the finish line and get your medal, Disney will give you water, Powerade, and a little box of snacks. Then you can take photos, get your bag at gear check pickup, and meet your family in the family reunion area. There are big signs with letters on them so plan a meeting spot to meet up with friends and family after you finish the race.



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